Portrait of Alberto (III)
Portrait of Alberto (III) Oil on canvas on board 42 x 25 cm 16.5 x 9.8 in 2006 *This painting belongs to the National Museum of Fine Arte (MNBA). Buenos Aires, Argentina
Portrait of Alberto (III) Oil on canvas on board 42 x 25 cm 16.5 x 9.8 in 2006 *This painting belongs to the National Museum of Fine Arte (MNBA). Buenos Aires, Argentina
Portrait of my father (I) Oil on canvas on board 16.5 x 9.8 in 42 x 25 cm 2005
Portrait of my father (II) Oil on canvas on board 16.5 x 9.8 in 42 x 25 cm 2005
Portrait of my father (V) Oil on canvas on board 16.5 x 9.8 in 42 x 25 cm 2005
Portrait of my father (VI) Oil on canvas on board 16.5 x 9.8 in 42 x 25 cm 2005
Victoria (I) Oil on canvas on board 70 x 50 cm 27.6 x 19.7 in 2007 2010 – First Place in “The Artist’s Magazine’s 27th Art Competition. Figure & Portrait Category. Unites States of America.
Victoria (VII) Oil on canvas 55 x 37 cm 21.7 x 14.6 in 2016
Victoria (VIII) Oil on canvas 80 x 53 cm 31.5 x 20.9 in 2017 *This painting was acquired by the European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) in Barcelona, Spain.
Victoria (IX) Oil on canvas 60 x 37 cm 23.6 x 14.6 in 2018
Portrait of Eduardo Sanguine on paper 42 x 29 cm 16.5 x 11.4 in 2019